Quick notes on installing Ruby on Rails on Fedora Core 5 ( It should be similar for other linux distros as well )
Install ruby rpms via yum:
# yum install ruby ruby-libs ruby-mode ruby-rdoc ruby-irb ruby-ri ruby-docs
Download and install rubygems from rubygems.org.
Change to the extracted directory and run:
# ruby setup.rb
Now use gem to install rails. It will ask about installing dependencies. Answer "Y" or just hit return.
# gem install rails
Test it by creating a skeleton rails app in your home directory:
$ cd ~
$ rails testapp
Start the WEBrick server.
$ cd ~/testapp
$ ruby script/server
The WEBrick server should now be started and listening to the default port - 3000 .
Point your browser to:
You should see a welcome page with some additional getting started info.