
To Linkedin website


I have some propositions to make your site better, I found some bugs in "Manage recommendadions" and if you please pay attention to this part - It would be easier and more pleasant for people to use your Services)))

1) complete flow to find hidden recommendation;
2) incorrect representation of the hidden recommendation on "Recommendations: Received / Manage" page;
3) not ideal behavior when trying to manage the hidden recommendations;

1) Complete flow to find hidden recommendation - It is not unambiguous.

1.1) Main flow:

Click on "Accounts & Settings" link -> click on "Manage recommendation" link in "Profile Settings" section -> Received Recommendations -> Unassigned recommendations -> click on "show recommendations" link

1.2) Alternative flow:

Edit my Profile -> Click on the "Edit" button near the name -> click "Cansel" link (why it is not button?) -> it forwards you to "Account" page (why not to "Edit My Profile"???) -> click on "Manage reccomendation" link in "Profile Settings" section -> Received Recommendations -> Unassigned recommendations -> "show recommendations" link


It would be better to show ALL recommendations when click on "Profile -> Edit My Profile" (and Hidden/ Unassigned recommendations) against forwarding to recommendations list that You've created for smone else [only] .

2) Fisrt message (recommendation) overlays some warning notification (and it is impossible to read it).

3) The necessity to confirm each recommendation and absence of "Save changes" button for all recommendations is annoying - It takes time: to select position, to select "show" radio button and then click "Save changes" than once more click on "Show recommendations" link .. and so on ..
and when I have to manage 6 or more recommendations - It takes a lot of time - so
It is necessary to make one common button for whole page.

Thank you for attention, Julia

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